Wednesday, March 25, 2009


One Reason We Get Angry

The trigger for much of our anger is frustrated expectation. We sometimes invest so much of ourselves in a project that when it doesn't turn out as it should we become irate. All 'shoulds' point to an expectation, a prediction for the future. We might have realized by now that the future is uncertain, unpredictable. Relying too much on an expectation for the future, a 'should', is asking for trouble.

–Ajahn Brahm, from Opening the Door of your Heart (Lothian Books)

Monday, March 09, 2009

Let Go and Keep Your Balance

It is important to realize that to identify oneself as a meditator or a spiritual person or even a Buddhist can be another way to get caught or lose one's true balance. This is like carrying a raft on your head instead of using it for a vehicle to the other shore. The purpose of meditation is not to create a new spiritual identity, nor to become the most meditative person on the block, who tells other people how they should live. To practice is to let go.

--Joseph Goldstein & Jack Kornfield, from Seeking the Heart of Wisdom